I tidied up for you...During the week it gets quite messy, clothes thrown in frustration each morning, my magazines left lying around...
Our side tables are old milking stools. JD's stool is where the ugly tech stuff is kept eg. alarm clock, mobile phones etc.
This room goes through re-incarnations every time I change quilt covers. I bought this quilt cover from ebay for only $40!! It's a light musky pink colour & has a lovely subtle white floral paisley/floral print. I love it!. See it up close & buy here - The seller has more! 
I'm thinking of changing the wardrobe door handles
Maybe something like this:
I'm watching some brushed stainless steel ones on ebay at the moment but not sure if they'll have the same effect.
We're getting new white wooden venetian blinds this week! After 7 years, we can get rid of the crappy, dirty beige & bent, clunky aluminium blinds!! Yay!