Monday, July 6, 2009

which ones?

Been agonizing over tap ware for our kitchen..

Can't decide, modern?

Or traditional?

We have to get wall mount taps and spout, which is limits our options as there's not a very big range out there. As we are keeping the original kitchen cabinets, will the modern taps look a bit dicky? They will be mounted up against white subway tiles with dark grout.

Stumped and can't decide... But we can't do anything else until we make a decision!


  1. hard one! but i think:
    kitchen traditional - taps modern
    kitchen modern - taps traditional
    cause it seems like you like to mix the two!
    i think the modern set will go really well with your old cabinets which have handles that retrospectively look quite modern anyway! goodluck with the decision!

  2. Thank-YOU! Yeah, I'm leaning towards the modern ones too..
